The Protagonist

Sequence 2 – Chapter 1 – El Naya

The Protagonist

As mentioned earlier, I’m working on a new novel – 6,000 Kilos. And Chapter 1 is titled El Naya. I’ve broken the chapter down into 7 sequences – and will be presenting each one – in sequence – over the next seven days.

Please feel free to comment.

Segment 2 is called “The Protagonist.”

Steve Piasecki is approaching Leo’s Cheese Steaks on Chester Pike in Folcroft. It’s the next evening and he’s driving a reddish Chevy Suburban SUV.

His cell phone rings.

It’s mounted on the air-conditioning vents in the middle of the dashboard. Steve looks at the caller ID and sees My Friend. He taps the phone to answer and puts the call on speaker.

“My Friend,” Steve says. “I see your beater phone’s working tonight, eh?”

“Ha-ha-ha.” My Friend fakes a laugh. “I got a good phone.”

They repeat this routine every time My Friend calls – yet it never gets old.

That’s how The Protagonist begins – click the link below to download the entire sequence – and read at your leisure.

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