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You’re a Cantaloupe

Chris Walken delivered the classic line “You’re a cantaloupe” in what movie?

You’re a Cantaloupe

“You’re a cantaloupe” – delivered by Chris Walken is a classic movie line.

Now let’s assemble this cast – Christian Slater, Patti Arquette, Dennis Hopper, Val Kilmer, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, the aforementioned Christopher Walken (continued).

Bronson Pinchot, Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Rapaport, Saul Rubinek, James Galdolfini, and Chris Penn.

No way anyone can fuck up that movie.

What movie?

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer

and I approve this message.

That said, the first episode of the Lew Kaminski Saga will be coming out any day now. The first episode is Cleopatra Murdered.

Somebody murdered Cleopatra.

Was it Mark Antony?

Was it Lew Kaminski?

And who is this Lew Kaminski?

Well, put him in the same boat with Jack Ryan and Ray Donovan and you get a hint

This first episode takes place in the suburbs of Philadelphia during the Age of Aquarius – halfway between Woodstock and the end of the War in Viet Nam – hippies, peaceniks, and flower children.

It’s also the beginning of the era of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.

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