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The Antagonist

Sequence 3 – Chapter 1 – El Naya

The Antagonist

As mentioned previously, I’m working on a new novel – 6,000 Kilos. And Chapter 1 is titled El Naya. I’ve broken the chapter down into 7 sequences – and will be presenting each one – in sequence – over the next seven days.

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Sequence 3 is called “The Antagonist.”

Luis Diaz, 41, is sitting behind a large mahogany desk in a first-floor corner office with a view of the parking lot outside. His decorator blended the office with lots of wood and leather furnishings to give it a luxurious look and feel – and she succeeded.

He’s a dapper dresser decked out in a custom-tailored dark blue Giorgio Armani suit, white shirt, and royal blue tie. Several reports are spread out on the desk in front of him, and two men are sitting on the opposite side of the desk.

Eugenio Rosario, 37, sits on the right side of Diaz. In khakis and a brown cardigan sweater, he’s paying attention as the third man speaks.

The third man is bespectacled Alejandro Martinez, 53. His drab brown suit looks tight, like he bought it a long before he developed the middle-aged spread.

That’s how The Antagonist begins – click the link below to download the entire sequence – and read at your leisure.

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4 years ago
6,000 KilosCrime Fiction
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