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Susan Reinert Victim

Susan Reinert was one of Pennsylvania’s most notorious murder cases.

Part 1

June 22, 1979.

It’s a little after 9 o’clock on a Friday evening and a light rain is falling.

A woman looks through her kitchen window & sees her next-door neighbors exiting the font door of their home, three of them crossing the front porch. The mother teaches English at nearby Upper Merion High School. The children attend Penn Wynne elementary school, also nearby.

This is the upscale town of Ardmore on Philadelphia’s Main Line.

The mother’s name is Susan Reinert, 36. She’s amicably divorced from her ex-husband and a single mother raising her two children – 11-year-old Karen & 10-year-old Michael.

She’s scheduled to give a speech the next morning in Allentown 49 miles away. Pretty much due north of her home.

She’s scheduled to address the Allentown chapter of Parents Without Partners and she’s taking the kids with her in an attempt to turn the event into a weekend getaway for the family.

All three are dressed casually as they load into the family’s orange Plymouth Horizon hatchback.

And they’re off.

But Susan never gives her speech the next morning to Parents Without Partners. In fact, she & her two children seemingly disappear into thin air.

Three days pass without a sign of Susan or her two children.

On the fourth day, a man is cutting through the parking lot of the Host Inn Hotel about five miles to the east of Harrisburg.

It’s 87 miles from Allentown to the Host Inn in Harrisburg and 97 miles from Susan Reinert’s home to the Host Inn.

The passing man sees what looks like an abandoned car. It’s an orange Plymouth Horizon hatchback with its hatch open. He stops to take a look and finds a dead female in the trunk.

Here’s a dramatization of what happens next.

This is the first part of the Susan Reinert murder case, Three more parts will follow. Hopefully you’ll be with me for all four episodes.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

Below are links to the other parts of the story.

Part 2 Killer . . . Part 3 Story . . . Part 4 Bribery

My first book – Born to Be Wild – was published in 1992 and it’s still selling on Amazon & Kindle. It’s a true story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story took 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – and it’s an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

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