Oklahoma City Bomber

I’m sitting in Dick DeGuerin’s office in Houston on the night of April 20, 1995 ─ the day after Timothy McVeigh planted the bomb that blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City and killed 168 innocent bystanders.
I’m the expert on Dick’s defense team for the Operation Lightning Strike trial about a contaminated FBI undercover sting at the Johnson Space Center.
Five of us are sitting around, drinking beer and planning the next day’s strategy in court when Dick’s phone rings.
Dick DeGuerin is one of the best defense attorneys in the country. He’d defended notables like Texas governor Kay Bailey Hutchinson, New York Mets Lenny Dykstra and Keith Hernandez, and Branch Davidian guru David Koresh.
Dick’s also a cowboy who owns a ranch, wears a cowboy hat and cowboy boots, and speaks with the southern Texas twang.

Dick answers the phone and listens for almost a minute while we observe in silence. And then he stops listening and says in a firm voice, “Son … I don’t defend murderin’ bastards.”
“Who was that?” we all ask him with our eyes.
“Timothy McVeigh,” Dick tells us. “The sonbitch wanted me to defend him.”
To this day, conspiracy theorists see Hilary Clinton’s fingerprints all over the bombing – since the blast destroyed the Whitewater documents.
I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

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