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Lyft Driver Foils Carjacking [in Philadelphia]

Make your own hours, generate income, ideal for moonlighters. More than 5,000,000 people drive for Uber and Lyft to spread the icing on top of their household incomes.

But is it safe from being carjacked?

Lyft Driver Carjacked in Philadelphia

Last week on Jan 3.

Two ne’er-do-wells in a Honda rear-end an Infiniti in an attempt to carjack the vehicle. This is taking place during broad daylight and it’s a developing trend in Philly.

One assailant aims a shotgun at the Lyft driver.

The Lyft driver is transporting a female passenger from Point A to Point B.

This is taking place on Parkside Avenue in West Philly – a locale I frequent [also a Lyft driver] a couple times per week.

The Lyft driver convinces the attackers to allow his passenger to exit the vehicle – lest they also be charged with kidnapping.

But as one assailant gets behind the wheel of the Infiniti, the Lyft driver pulls out a gun of his own and shoots the guy as he pulls away. At which time the second assailant tries to run over the Lyft driver with the Honda. But the driver also shoots him as he’s hauling ass.

Neither driver gets very far. Police officers responding to the shooting arrest both criminals. They then transport them to Penn Presby in critical condition.

The driver is legally licensed to carry. But Lyft will most likely fire him. Carrying firearms is taboo for Lyft drivers.

But, in my humble opinion, anyone who doesn’t carry is making a mistake.

Lyft Driver Carjacked in Chicago

While researching this post, I found Lyft drivers carjacked in Chicago and Bucks County, PA. I found Uber drivers carjacked in Chicago and D.C. – one of whom was killed.

Also found dozens of robberies and assaults on Uber and Lyft drivers in cities from coast to coast.


I’ve been doing this for almost 6 years now. I’ve logged more than 10,000 rides with Uber and more than 6,000 with Lyft. Only once in those 16,000 rides did I feel uneasy about the potential for violence.

But keep this is mind. As America’s Best Crime Writer, I’ve been dealing with criminals for the last 31 years. My eyes are always open, always aware of my surroundings, and always profiling the potential for danger.

So I feel safe.

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3 years ago
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