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Lethal Weapon

Lethal Weapon

I’ve seen 1987’s Lethal Weapon between 50 and 100 times but can’t remember the last time I watched it ─ until last night. I forgot so much.

Danny Glover plays an L.A. detective turning 50 and suddenly becoming concerned about making it to retirement in one piece.

Then he gets paired with Mel Gibson who walks the tightrope between sanity and suicide as they try to catch drug smugglers.

Gary Busey plays an excellent villain once again.

Two females caught my eye.

Jackie Swanson kicks the movie into gear as a bare-breasted young woman who appears to be freaking out on coke. Without saying a word portrays a mixed-up individual ─ then she jumps off the balcony from about a mile up. IMDB tells me she was in 24 episodes of Cheers ─ but I don’t remember her in that show or anything else.

Traci Wolfe plays Murtaugh’s teenage daughter who has a crush on Riggs. She’s gorgeous and handles the role well ─ yet she pretty much abandoned a career in acting. She has only 7 acting credits ─ and 4 of them in the Lethal Weapon series.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

My first book – Born to Be Wild – was published in 1992 and is still selling on Amazon & Kindle. it’s a true story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story took 21 years to play out with many twists & turns. It’s an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

78100cookie-checkLethal Weapon
5 years ago
Crime Movies
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