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Just Got 2 Glock 19 Magazines [or are they Bullet Holders?]

When I call them “clips,” my son corrects me. He says they’re called “magazines.” So I decide to call them “bullet holders.

Glock 19 Magazines

”The big-hitter in my arsenal is a Glock 19. At the firing range you can only load 5 bullets (rounds) at a time, then reload, So I’m in the habit of keeping one clip loaded with 5 bullets.

Well, my Favorite Son’s always concerned about my welfare when I’m driving. He’s the one who told me about the Lyft driver getting carjacked last week. And he cautions me to be careful when I venture out at night.

Anyway, he thinks I should be better prepared. Tells me to get two additional “magazines.” Which I do. Then tell him I ordered 2 “clips.” Of course, he corrects me. Calls them “magazines.”

Po-tay-to … Po-tah-to.

FedEx delivered them yesterday. So deciding to punk him a little, I tell him my “bullet holders” arrived.

He laughs, then loads the clips for me. Thanks, buddy. Which gives me 3 “bullet holders” each containing 10 bullets.

And I’m still going to call them “clips.”

Go ahead … Make my day.

105310cookie-checkJust Got 2 Glock 19 Magazines [or are they Bullet Holders?]
3 years ago
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