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Hannibal Lecter

HANNIBAL LECTER  is Number One on my list of six favorite Movie Villains.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter is a respected Baltimore forensic psychiatrist who morphs into a cannibalistic serial killer. A fictional character created by Thomas Harris in the 1981 thriller novel RED DRAGON;

Lecter elevated to legendary status when Anthony Hopkins portrayed him in the 1991 movie THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.

I saw the movie when it first came out. Watched it more than a dozen times since. Also read Harris’ novel the same year when I was living in Palm Springs. Doing my final rewrite of BORN TO BE WILD.

 In my opinion, Anthony Hopkins is one of the best actors in the history of the motion picture industry. Won an Academy Award for that portrayal.


I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

Warner Boos published my first book – BORN TO BE WILD – in 1992. Still selling on Amazon & Kindle. A true story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story took 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of SONS OF ANARCHY & BREAKING BAD. But these outlaw bikers make the SONS look like Cub Scouts.

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5 years ago
Movie Villains
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