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Google AdSense is the Key to My Making Millions [Online]

Google Adsense says you can earn money if you monetize your website. They promise to optimize your ads so more people will see them and click on them. But it ain’t easy getting started.

Google Adsense

About 3 weeks ago Sam Charles suggests monetizing my websites and making millions. So I dig right into researching.

Learn that 9% of bloggers earn between $1,000 and $9,999 per month. And 4% earn in excess of $10,000 per month.

Count me in.

Jump thru a few hoops. No problem. Then comes a giant hurdle – Google Adsense.

Looks simple. You need a Google account. No problem. Been using Gmail for over a decade. Get the form, fill in the blanks, and submit. Get a response saying I’m approved, but it will take a couple days to review and get everything up and running.

Wait a couple days, then check. Shit. My request’s been disapproved. They tell me I already have an Adsense account. I must close that account to qualify.

I don’t remember any other Adsense account. So I resubmit the request.

In fact, we wash and repeat this process 3 … 4 … 5 times. Always the same – You must close your additional account.

But this time I’m determined to get to the bottom on things. I dig in and, sonavabitch, I have 3 additional Adsense accounts from years ago. Don’t remember any of them. So I go thru the closeout process for the other 3 accounts.

Then yesterday I get a letter from PricewaterhouseCoopers. Seems one of those accounts owes me 50 bucks from 2018. So I guess this Adsense “thing” does work.

I made 50 bucks without trying. If I put in a little effort the millions should come rolling in soon.

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3 years ago
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