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Ezekial 25 17

Say ‘what’ once more. I double-dare you, motherfucker.

Ezekial 25 17

“Ezekiel 25 17” from Pulp Fiction is one of my most memorable movie scenes ever.

Samuel L. Jackson spouts Biblical verse right before he blows away a penny-ante drug dealer.

Jackson’s rant is aimed at Frank Whaley.

Say ‘what’ once more. I dare you, motherfucker.

Off the top of my head, when I wrote this article I remembered Frank Whaley in three roles.

1 – The wimpy guy who miraculously hooks up with Jennifer Connelly in Career Opportunities.

2 – The victim of Sam Jackson’s rant in Pulp Fiction.

3 – And the deranged serial killer in “The Good Samaritan” episode of The Blacklist.

But during the past year I discovered him in Episode 1 of Season 2 of the Amazon series Jack Ryan.

Frank Whaley plays Carter Estes, the CIA Chief of Station in Moscow. He’s James Greer’s dictatorial boss who wants to dismiss Greer because of a heart condition.

But Greer requests a transfer to Venezuela that Whaley approves.

Since this was originally posted – found him in seven episodes of Ray Donovan. – playing an FBI agent obsessed with pinning a 25-year-old murder on Ray Donovan and Ezra Goldman.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer

and I approve this message.

Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

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