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Coneheads grabs you by the base of your snarglies.


IMDB pretends to describe 1993’s Coneheads in eight words: “Aliens with conical crania crash-land on Earth.” – and fails miserably.

A suggestion popped up on my screen yesterday & grabbed me by the base of my snarglies.

So I took a break from crime today & watched Coneheads.

Musta watched the movie at least 50 times – but not once in the last ten years or so.

Fine cast with Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin from Saturday Night Live – back when the show was funny – and newcomer Michelle Burke.

Plus Michael McKean, David Spade, and Chris Farley.

Then add in cameo after cameo with Kramer & Constanza from Seinfeld – Sinbad, Jon Lovitz, Eddie Griffin, Phil Hartman, Adam Sandler, Drew Carey, Joey Adams, and Garrett Morris.

France – they are from France – and always good for a few laughs.

Here’s a short trailer.

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Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.
