Cold Blooded Fraud

Ratched is a cold blooded fraud perpetrated on TV viewers.

Cold Blooded Fraud

I was about to compromise by principles by describing Ratched as a weird but interesting series. That is, until one of my best friends ever – that best friend being Bill Gaffney – chastised my opinion – and I quote – “Come on it’s fiction not a documentary.”

My first impulsive response was “bullshit” – but then I thought about it – he’s right – it is fiction – the part about “super-producer Ryan Murphy decided to make Ratched, to break through this layer of misogyny and try to show how the patriarchy was responsible for the ‘Big Nurse’ (Nurse Ratched) becoming the villain she is by Cuckoo’s Nest.”

That statement is not only fiction – but also a cold-blooded fraud perpetrated on innocent viewers around the world – trying to lure the millions of fans who watched and loved One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest for the last 45 years under false pretense.

Unless, of course, Nurse Ratched in Cuckoo’s Nest was a serial killer – drugged people – stuck ice picks in patients’ eyes – set patients on fire – repeatedly had sex with her brother – and went both ways.

I confess – as a red-blooded male – to occasionally enjoying some girl-on-girl porn between two nubile young ladies – but seeing two neurotic, middle-aged females going down on each other – well – no way, José.

But I guess he’s pandering to a certain market.

It’s like the super-producer got 10 writers together – gave them a general concept – then sent them home for a week to come up with some of the most outlandish things they could think of – then he threw everything into a Cuisinart and – Eureka – out came Ratched.

And Sharon Stone & Vincent D’Onofrio must be broke – how else to explain two highly-esteemed actors compromising their principles to appear in this piece of trash?

But this is just one man’s opinion – check out the trailer – watch the series if you wish – judge for yourself.

Here’s the trailer.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer and I approve this message.

Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

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