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Casting Babes in Toyland

We already casted Steve Piasecki and his sidekick My Friend. Plus Jade, Jess, and Margo. Now let’s cast the characters from Babes in Toyland – the bouncer, 2 strippers, and the club manager.

So here’s what we got so far:

  • Steve: Barry Bowe
  • My Friend: Mike Tartaglia
  • Jade: Marissa Tomei
  • Jess: Yvonne Strahovski
  • Margo: Rachel Taylor

On to Babes in Toyland


Sal, full name: Salvatore Mazza. A bouncer at Babes in Toyland. He’s 30, muscular, looks Italian. Tattooed arms complete his menacing look.

He had a thing with Jade. She broke it off, but he won’t let go. Roughed her up right before she left the club. Makes him an excellent suspect.

Hmmm. Italian from South Philly? Tough guy? Sounds like Sly Stallone fits – but the Sly Stallone from back in Lords of Flatbush.


“A blonde’s working the pole. Tall and leggy. Calls herself Candi.” So Candi’s a stripper at Babe’s in Toyland. Hot body. Jade’s best friend.

I immediately went to Showgirls. Elizabeth Berkely is perfect for the part.


“The door opens, the harem girl enters. She calls herself Farrah. She’s 25, born in Morocco, moved to Philly during her teens.”

Farrah is the boss of the strippers at Babes in Toyland. She’s a kickass. When Jade doesn’t show up for work, the manager sends her, and Candi, to go to Jade’s apartment, to look for her.

Never heard of Nora Fatehi before. Did some digging for a Moroccan female. And there she was. Big star in Bollywood. Very attractive. Fine, fine body.

Sam Cohen

“The manager’s short and stocky. Name’s Sam. Looks 40, but just turned 31.” Says he’s from Manhattan, but really from Wantagh, on Long Island.

Sam Cohen is the manager at Babes in Toyland. Sort of a stumblebum, despite his position.

Took a little thinking, but I like Jon Lovitz for the part. Back in his Saturday Night Live days.

That’s it for Babes in Toyland. Who’s Next?

We go to Delco C.I.D. for the chief, plus 2 detectives. One female, one male. The county M.E., the D.A., and his chief prosecutor.

After that, we have Steve’s crackerjack lawyer and a pair of female judges.

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