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Café Nervosa

“Hey,” Frasier says. “This isn’t my coffee. Where’s my finely ground Keenya blend?”

Café Nervosa

I love Frasier – probably watched the entire series at least 30 times

But something in the second episode makes me scratch my head every time I see it.

Daphne makes coffee. Frasier wakes up, then goes into the kitchen for coffee. Martin’s already in the kitchen. Frazier pours a cup and takes a sip.

“Hey,” he says, “this isn’t my coffee. Where’s my finely ground Keenya blend?”

Martin tells him that Daphne put some eggshells and some allspice in it.

Frasier takes place in Seattle – Starbucks is headquartered in Seattle – Starbucks opened its first store in Seattle in 1971 – Frasier takes place between 1993 and 2004 – today 143 Starbucks locations exist in Seattle – I feel safe saying that whole buncha Starbucks existed in Seattle when the show takes place.

Frasier visits a coffee shop in almost every episode – the Café Nervosa – but he never once goes to a Starbucks in all 11 seasons.

Wonder why Frasier didn’t say, “Where’s my finely ground Keenya blend from Café Nervosa?”

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer

and I approve this message.

Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

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4 years ago
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