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Bruce Willis Birthplace


Where was Bruce Willis born?

You’ll learn the answer when you read The Dead Stripper – coming March 1st – and you’ll learn a lotta little tidbits. But I’ll provide the spoiler right now with an excerpt from Chapter 7 – “Prince of Denmark” – and the photo to the right.

The main female character Jess and her best friend Margo are having a drink at The Grog in Bryn Mawr during happy hour, bullshitting about this and that, and the name of Demi Moore pops up.  

“Have you seen her lately?” Margo asks.


“Not looking good,” Margo says. “I could never figure out why Bruce Willis hooked up with her in he first place. I mean, by comparison, he seems normal.”

“Compared to most of them out there in La-la Land.”

“Did you know he was born in Germany?” Margo asks.

“Who? Bruce Willis?”

“Right,” Margo confirms.

“He doesn’t have a German accent.”

“His father’s from Jersey,” Margo says. “Carney’s Point.”

“Near Cowtown Rodeo, right?”

“Right,” Margo says.

“We haven’t been down there for a while.”

“Let’s go down next week,” Margo says jokingly. “Maybe we’ll run into him.”

“Fat chance of that.”

And they both chuckle.

“Anyway,” Margo says, “his mother was German and his father was a soldier stationed in Germany. Bruce was born in the town of Idar-Oberstein over there. His father brought the family back to Jersey after he was discharged and Bruce was still a baby.”

“Explains no accent.”

Jess pulls out her cellphone.

“Who you calling?” Margo asks.

Jess holds up a finger.

Excerpt from The Dead Stripper by Barry Bowe

Hmm. Wonder who she’s calling? Find out in Chapter 8  – “Charade”

Coming March 1st

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

My first book – Born to Be Wild – Published in 1992 – Still selling on Amazon & Kindle. A true story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story took 21 years to play out – many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

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5 years ago
The Dead Stripper
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