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Blow Out

Blow Out

Blow Out is a 1981 mystery thriller directed by Brian DePalma and starring John Travolta, Nancy Allen, and John Lithgow.

John Travolta’s character records sound effects for grade-B horror movies. Late one night he’s recording sounds on serpentine Lincoln Drive when he unexpectedly hears a car crash. He dives into the water and saves a passenger trapped inside the car.

The passenger is a hooker played by Nancy Allen. As it works out she was servicing the governor of Pennsylvania, who was going to run for President. He died in the crash and next comes a political cover-up and a maniacal killer played by John Lithgow who’s trying to eliminate the eyewitness.

If you lived or worked in Philly in 1980 you should remember the movie. It’s set in Philly and several scenes were shot there. I was fortunate to be working right across the street from City Hall and got to watch a nifty car chase sequence being filmed right outside my building.

The car chase begins at 30th Street Station with John Travolta’s character driving a jeep. The chase comes down Market Street and continues right up to City Hall where it counters the Liberty Day Parade … with mummers … firemen and fire trucks … cops on horseback … and spectators. And the chase culminates when the jeep crashes through Macy’s window.

And if you live in Philly you know there’s no way the car chase could’ve gone the way it was filmed and cut – but it’s a nice sequence. You also know there’s no such thing as the Liberty Day Parade.

The movie’s OK. I watched it a couple times, including this morning. I’m glad I watched it but may never watch it again.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer – Barry Bowe – & I approve this message.

My first book – Born to Be Wild – was published in 1992 and is still selling on Amazon & Kindle. it’s a true story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story took 21 years to play out with many twists & turns. It’s an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

75890cookie-checkBlow Out
5 years ago
Crime Movies
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