Convicted killer – incarcerated for 54 years – transformed himself into world’s leading expert on birds.

Birdman of Alcatraz is a 1962 movie starring Burt Lancaster, Karl Malden, Thelma Ritter, Neville Brand, Betty Field, and Telly Savalas.
The movie’s a fictionalized version of a true story about Robert Franklin Stroud.
Make no mistake about, Stroud was not a nice man. He earned his way into prison by killing a bartender in the Alaska Territory in 1909.
In prison, he taught himself several languages, identified several diseases found in birds, formulated medicines to cure those diseases, and became a best-selling author.

Amazing story. Based on a book of the same name – but the book’s been out-of-print for decades.
However, the original, uncut classic movie is alive and well – to rent or buy.
Click the image on the right to find out more.
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