Man of Many Hats

My Student Film Part 2

As a student at film school – you go to class all day – five days a week – for a year – then use every spare moment to create your film – you’re not only the director – you’re the executive producer, producer, screenwriter, story-boarder, casting director, director of photography, sound, lights, musical director, editor, chief cook and bottle-washer.

Since you’re not gainfully employed for that year – and with no box office money ever rolling in – as producer – expenses come out of your pocket – so you must be frugal – wheel & deal.

I need a Catholic church – try legendary St. Patrick’s Cathedral – no deal – find another Catholic church six blocks away – get permission – no charge – I can shoot exteriors and interiors – but can’t tie up the confessional.

So I buy some paneling, hardware, & screening – build a confession booth in my studio apartment – looks real – leave it topless so the cameraman can shoot overhead shots.

Run ads in the trade paper looking for actors – only need a male lead, female lead, & a couple extras – my classmates will be those extras – struggling actors are always looking for credits and clips they can show when auditioning for a part – so I promise a copy of the film – and they agree to work for free.

I find a priest – not only has acting credits but his commercial’s running on tv every day – you might have seen it – he’s waxing a car & hyping how this miracle wax not only shines but repairs scratches – get him a priest outfit & he looks like Father Karras from the Exorcist – perfect.

Advertise for a young blonde female – great body – willing to do nude scenes – and sex scenes – and ding-ding-ding – a winner – dress her in a sexy dress – black and tight – which accentuates her attributes to a T – or should I say two Ts? – perfect.

One of my classmates is a rich Mexican kid – his family owns a luxury hotel in Cancun – they also own a luxury condo overlooking Central Park – where the kid’s staying while attending film school – he allows me to use a bedroom for the sex scene – no charge.

Now we’re ready to shoot.

Coming Soon – Part 3 – Lights, Camera, Action

Click for Part 1 – Strike a Nerve

Directing a movie is one of the most difficult jobs in the world – as I discovered when I attended the New York Film Academy in 1991-92.

This is what it takes.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer and I approve this message.

Warner Books published Born to Be Wild in 1992 & it still sells every day at Amazon & Kindle. True story about certain members of the Warlocks motorcycle gang.

The story takes 21 years to play out – with many twists & turns – an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy & Breaking Bad – but these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like Cub Scouts.

102090cookie-checkMan of Many Hats