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6,000 Kilos

Feds seize 30 tons of cocaine – value $1 billion – at Port of Philadelphia.

6,000 Kilos

On their first date – the main male & female characters in my work-in-progress – 6,000 Kilos – go to the Phillies game on opening day of the 2019 baseball season.

So I punched up the opening sequence of The Break-Up for insight & nuance. Check it out below.

Great idea – picked up a lotta little odds and ends.

6,000 Kilos is inspired by largest drug seizure ever at the Port of Philadelphia – June 16, 2019 – 16.5 tons of cocaine – street value of $1 billion.

I tracked the cocaine all the way back to the coca fields in the Colombian Andes – thru the paste lab & the crystallization lab – loaded aboard narco torpedoes & towed by speedboats – then uploaded onto a container ship on the high seas in the middle of the night.

I found out the name of the man who operated the crane & how much he was paid – plus I also found out the names of his helpers & how much they were paid.

The book is almost halfway finished.

Here’s a news clip of that historic bust.

I’m America’s Best Crime Writer

and I approve of this message.

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4 years ago
Crime Fiction
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