Born to Be Wild is an amalgam of Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad ─ except it’s a true story. And these outlaw bikers make the Sons look like a bunch of cub scouts.
Their drug cartel is closer to Gus Fring’s in Breaking Bad than it is to Walter White’s.
The story begins with an outlaw biker having sex with his girlfriend on December 12, 1971. It ends twenty years later. In between comes a roller coaster of kidnappings, rapes, murders, a prison break, and a manhunt that lasts for nine years.
She’s 21, gorgeous and sexy, a blonde college student still living at home with her parents. She’s also suffering from a schizophrenic reaction, paranoid type, in which her personality is split between the dependency of childhood and the reality of being an adult.
It’s love at first sight when she meets the outlaw biker, but he’s still suffering from a broken heart and isn’t looking for love and romance. To him she’s a sex object, and nothing more.
Her parents take a Caribbean cruise to make up for the honeymoon they never got to take when they got married thirty years earlier. But a week later they return home to an empty house. Where’s their daughter? What happened to her? Is she still alive? Or is she dead?
America’s Best Crime Writer answers all of these questions and a whole lot more.
I wrote Born to Be Wild more than 30 years ago and it’s …
Still Selling Every Day